Cape Breton here we come, Updated with photos

Celebratory wine for a day well spent and Mother's Day! 
View from our B and B in Port Hood.  The light is incredible

Karen having fish tacos.  We are on the other coast right now, and fish is excellent.  Dad's chowder has lobster in it and is full of seafood! 
Boy were we knackered last night.  After 6 days on the train we were red royally ready to get off and sleep somewhere else.  It’s funny I didn’t feel so tired on the train but then again we weren’t actually doing all that much.  By the time we got to Pictou we were done. A quick dinner then we basically hit the hay and I for one slept for 10 hours. We all felt like a million bucks.
We stayed in a B & B that was built in 1840. This included charming mildly tilted floors and one of those amazing fireplaces which you could cook soup on.
On the road today we went past Antigonish (no, Jo, we didn’t stop and take photos but the 125 year old St Francis Xavier University was a lovely series of brick buildings we passed) on the way to Cape George where there was a striking lighthouse on the bluff. There it was al fresco lunch, two hares, a porcupine and YES! A geocache to be had.
Then on to Cape Breton proper to stay in Port Hood, a sweet little town with beaches and great views.once it gets dark we hope to see the same lighthouse across the bay. Dinner tonight in the Clove Hitch included live folk music!
   Adding photos shortly as we continue to experience minor technical issues.
