From South Heaven to Bambeck

Well.  Over to the east side of the island yesterday, crossing from Mabou to south of Baddeck and then north to the other side of the park.  The best way to get there once on the east side is to take the 'highway' so the views were not as spectacular.  When we go into the park, tho, the terrain shifted and was quite beautiful.  The wave action and wind are more energetic.  We also found 25Celcius temperatures at the beach:  warm!
Of note to those who know him are that my father's hat should have teeth marks in it.  Please ask to see them.  He has been the secondary navigator who is reading a fine National Geographic map which while excellent lacks the necessary detail for driving the 'b' roads we are wanting to take.  So Karen and I consult Google Maps each morning and have a good working understanding of our route.  Then dear old dad tries to convince us that we are on the wrong road as he sees nothing of these 'b' roads and thinks we took the wrong turn.  He swore he would eat his hat if he was wrong yesterday.  Ahem.  Like I said, ask to see the hat.  We offered to put peanut butter on it.
We are now staying in Baddeck, one of the many towns renamed by same said father to more closely resemble a neighborhood in Hamburg.  Temperature dropped to 36F last night but is bright and sunny this morning for our drive to an 18th Century French fort on the coast which has been restored.  After that, Alexander Graham Bell museum.
Photos to come, as mine have not been sent to Karen to overcome the technical difficulties that persist.
