Greetings from Cape Breton from the Petersens...

Stardate May 13, 2018
Well - another red letter day on our EPIC JOURNEY across Canada!  We had a very nice day today visiting a Light House at Cape George.  We have had some exciting Mammal sightings - the rear end of a porcupine (mom saw that first) and some big rabbits (Birgit saw those).  Birgit says they were 2 feet high but I only saw them hopping and could not say that.  Birgit also claims to have seen a pilot whale - but that was an unconfirmed sighting.  Since we are speaking of animals - we also saw turkey's from the trains.  And lots and lots of ducks...
We are at the Fiddle by the Sea B&B and we will be here for 2 nights.  Our hosts Denise and Alain are very nice.  When we were at the lighthouse we had a lovely lunch (photos to come from the next blog post) and there were several cars that drove up and promptly turned around.  No one even got out of the cars!  Then as we were finishing lunch a car drove up with some people from Port Hood (the town where we are staying!!)  We visited with them and got suggestions for where to go for dinner.  EVERYONE we have met has been super nice.
We begin souvenir shopping tomorrow!!!  OH BOY!
Oh - and we are going to have to do laundry - we are all out of clean socks.....
