You think Klawock is small?

So yesterday was boots and saddles day #1. We packed up the cute little Panda and headed for the first time to Horos, the big town on Naxos. It has a history of Venetian occupation back in the day, and the castle and fortress on the hill is well preserved. We are a bit museumed out, but pottered about the narrow passageways and generally frittered away the day until our afternoon flight to Athens.  Honestly after 6 days, Horos was a bit of a let down.  It was a fun driving time however super narrow roads tons of double parking and people walking in the streets as the sidewalks were parked upon, one way roads, you know, the usual!  I was fine but Karen and Libby kept saying they didn’t like the big towns.   The Venetian duke built the fortress on top of the existing acropolis, so,e towers found in a shop the rest in the Catholic Church...
The airport, if you can call it that, was the size of a large gas station.  There was a plane with some wreckage parked nearby ( cautionary tale?).  Two flights arrive and leave back to back and it was a serious crowd of luggage and people, dogs, cats harassing the dogs.  Security was hilarious.  Libby set off alarms (she thinks it her knee replacement) but they just waved her through, probably because she is older...? The waiting area is inside and outside but one has to wonder what hallend on rainy days...
