Preparing for 20000 Leagues Across the Globe

 Hello kind readers:   

Yes, the Petersen sisters, plus child and spouse (one each) are embarking on another adventure.  

For those that might be confused, there ARE posts below this from our prior trips (Canada train trip and Greece).   Ignore if you like, or take a wander and see a few details if you have a few moments, or, blithely ignore if all you care about is Travel in the Time of Covid....

This time it is Karen and Jim, Bryce and Birgit.  And why now?  Because we have been waiting 3 years for people to get healthy, and for Bryce to graduate from college.  

And are bound not to let something as annoying like Covid to get in our way (or at least, not TOO much).  

That is where this starts.  The hoops we need to jump through (Bryce will crawl, cuz she is broken), just to do the following 

1.  Leave the country

2.  Enter Heathrow (itself a small nation, by some accounts)

3.  Enter Namibia.  

Each has its sets of obstacles.  For Bryce, she needed permission from the knee surgeon.  For all of us:  setting up an account with the British Airways associated Covid tracking sources.  Then comes the planning for the forces that are trying to get us.  Covid, yes.  But also malaria, typhoid, uneven surfaces  and the big bad sun.  We need shots in our arms (Bryce had to have 5), hoses up our noses ---fun fact:  to get into the UK has somewhat different requirements than Namibia.  Fun fact #2:  it takes 2 days to get there, but for Karen and Jim, it takes 3.   The proverbial hose up the nose?   needs to be done no more than 72 hours prior to arriving in Nambia.  I will let you do the math on that one.  A pain in the brain (literally!) as they likely will be tested TWICE, once to get into UK and once to get into Namibia.  Put that on the count-your-blessings-department.  

As for Bryce, Karen has generously offered to push her in a wheelchair if needed, but we think not, just a brace thank you.  

Bryce is the first to start the travel run, as she needed to fly in from Pullman...see below.  

And now for some deliteful mug shots (anyone know these folks?  they are wanted by the FBI)

See the leg shoved in under the seat cuz this is the sardine section?  That's why we are flying business class!!!

Keep an eye on this site, as more is to come!   I promise not to post any pics of hoses up noses, so you will be spared that detail....


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