Geology according to Karen and Birgit Round 2

 Once again, in the absence of meaningful input from Jim (while muscling though multi questions on earthcaches he rattle off tricky multi syllable words before I can type them down) but SOMETHING must be sticking because Karen and I have some scientific interpretations of the images below:

This is an excellent example of a tree volcano. 

This is a modernist clay sculpture .complete with pigeons 

This might be a great example of Strike and Dip, but they are called the Nuggets and we have it on good authority that they are made of chicken
Jim is here talking to me about Tafoni, but even he had not heard of this ultra scientific term, preferring instead honeycomb weathering.   But it is common knowledge that Tafoni is a kind of ice cream
There are petrified logs and stumps here in the water. Placed by Jurassic beavers according to Jim.

These are the Moeraki Boulders, but it is a misnomer. These are prehistoric marbles, placed here by the children of giants
Thanks to the quick thinking and decisive actions of Birgit, this marble was prevented from rolling onto the beach and crushing Jim. He is grateful. note the wet pants. That was Jim’s fault, as he was trying to get the perfect instagram shot

This is an island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island😁, remember? But really, it’s floating but held down by chains. 


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