The Clay Cliffs

 Dear Readers,

I am having a hard time keeping up here!  I need Birgit the prolific writer and Bryce the resident birder to help out here, but alas they have gone home.  You will notice that the majority of the future blog posts will be geology centric.   Go figure. Guess who is driving! 

So, yesterday on our drive north, Jim and I decided to pop by the Clay Cliffs.  We already knew about them because our last pass this way Birgit had told us there was a geocache there.  Ha. Too bad, no cell service so we could not even do a remote geocache. 

Well. On to the cliffs.  Well for one, they are not really cliffs, and for two, they are not clay.  Jim says they are just dirt.  Well, maybe the bottom of some lake that has subsequently up lifted.  Regardless,  I think they are super cool.  Here are photos:
